Just as the name says, Pain Points refer to the pains that customers feel, whether for not achieving the expected result in a task or for having obstacles during the execution or even risks.

Pain Points are all the discomfort people feel while performing a task. However, it is important to be clear with which process we want to compare to raise Pain Points and whether the pains are related to the steps or result of the process. That is precisely how we can identify the business' value proposition. To show how important this is, let's use Uber as an example.
Uber is a solution for many pains, however, depending on the comparison, we can list more or less customer pains relieved through the solution. Comparing with the use of public transportation, we have the solution of the same problem, going from point A to point B, so the user's pain is solved both by Uber and by a bus for example. However, throughout the process of taking a bus, the user may experience discomforts such as:
Going to the bus stop;
Waiting at the bus stop;
Feeling insecure;
Stopping at different places and using longer routes;
Feeling uncomfortable with heat, loud sound, need to stand up sometimes;
Need to pay cash depending on location.
From these Pain Points we can conclude that Uber has specific value propositions for public transport users, such as:
Agility to start moving;
Convenience to move around;
Timing optimization;
Greater sense of security;
Great comfort;
Ability to pay by credit card.
If we evaluate in the opposite way, trying to identify Uber users' pains which are solved by public transportation, we could list:
Price. Since public transportation tends to be cheaper for most travels.
Unpredictability due to dynamic tariff. Price of public transport tends to vary much less depending on time or distance.
Driver cancellations.
Therefore, we can list two value propositions offered by public transport to its users as an example:
More affordable prices.
Predictability in the amount to be paid.
Greater assurance that we will be able to move depending on the time of day and location.
Therefore, both public transportation and Uber resolve the same result Pain Point, which is to move from point A to point B. However, when we assess the steps needed to use each of them, we can identify Pain Points. These pains in the process that are solved through some product or services tell us how much value the solution adds to the customer.
In addition to listing the amount of pain relieved by the solution, it is super important to understand the intensity of these pains for the user. If one idea solves five user's pains that are much less severe than other two, maybe it makes sense to consider product modifications.
To learn more about how to create products, features, or services that people really want to buy, you need to learn about the Value Proposition Canvas. A framework that shows you step by step and the questions that need to be answered to create value for your customer.