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Bill Gates
The Ride of a Lifetime
Recommended for people who want to understand the kind of strategic decision a CEO of a multibillion-dollar company needs to make. Bill hardly recommends a purely business book - he says, it's rare to find one that really captures what it's like to build and operate an organization or has tips you can actually put into practice. This is not the case with Where Dreams Happen.
Measure What Matters
Recommended for people who are looking to optimize performance in the company they work for.  “It doesn't matter what you know. What matters is the execution and the results you achieve.”  That phrase was said by former Intel CEO Andy Grove to John Doerr, an Intel engineer at the time. Andy had developed a goal setting system called OKRs - Objectives and Key Results. Later, John Doerr would teach this method to Google, when the startup still only had 30 people. Today, OKRs are used by over 100,000 Google employees worldwide!
Recommended not only by Bill Gates but also by other big names like Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama, the book is suitable for curious people with diverse interests. In Sapiens, Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari takes on a truly impressive challenge: to tell 70,000 years of human history in just 400 pages and explain how we, homo sapiens, rule the planet and what's yet to come for our species.
Business Adventures
Recommended by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Entrepreneurial Adventures is a collection of 12 stories from great companies, such as Ford, General Electric and Xerox, and involves different business fundamentals. Although the book involves business decisions from the 1960s and many things have changed since then, the fundamentals remain unchanged and are as current today as they were more than 50 years ago.
The New Enlightenment

Most people believe the world is getting worse. If you watch the media every day, it's really hard not to believe that the world's problems have only gotten worse. However, in The New Enlightenment, Steven Pinker shows, by facts and data, how completely wrong this perception is. Precisely for this reason, Bill Gates considers this his favorite book.

Warren Buffet

Books recommended by

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Big Dream
Warren Buffet once said: “My friend – and now a partner – Jorge Paulo and his team are among the best businessmen in the world. He is a fantastic person and his story should be an inspiration to all Brazilians, as it is to all Brazilians me". The book Sonho Grande tells the story of the trajectory of Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira since the foundation of Garantia bank, in the 70s, until today.
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Shoe Dog
In 2016, Warren Buffet mentioned Shoe Dog as: "The best book I've read in the last year." He commented that Phil Night, author of the book and founder of Nike, is a wise, intelligent, competitive person and a great story contact. The book tells the story from the early days of one of the most famous brands that revolutionized the footwear and sportswear market.
Business Adventures
Business Adventures is Warren Buffet's favorite business book. It's a set of 12 stories from big companies like Ford, General Electric and Xerox, and it involves different business fundamentals. Although the book involves business decisions from the 1960s and many things have changed since then, the fundamentals remain unchanged and are as current today as they were more than 50 years ago.
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The Smart Investor
According to Warren Buffet it is by far the best investment book ever written. The book was first published in 1949 and to this day protects investors from making substantial mistakes and teaches them how to develop long-term stock market strategies.
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Ultimate Jack Welch

In his 2001 letter to shareholders, Warren Buffet recommended Jack Welch's incredible book Ultimate, Executive Secrets of the Century. Jack Welch was CEO of GE (General Electric) for nearly 20 years and in this book he shares the main knowledge acquired during his journey as a leader of one of the largest companies in the world.

Books recommended by

Jeff Bezos
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Built to Last
Known as Jeff Bezos's business book, Built to Last shows the findings of 6 years of research on the key characteristics that make companies last. Jim Colins and Jerry P. looked at 18 exceptional companies with an average age of 100 and outperforming the stock market by a factor of 15 since 1926.
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The Innovation Dilemma
Innovation Dilemma is one of the most influential business books in the world. Clayton M. shows how even companies that do everything right can lose market leadership and explains how most companies do not keep up with new waves of innovation.
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Sam Walton: Made in America
Sam Walton is founder of Walmart, the world's largest retail chain. In the book, he tells his own story, exposing his own perspective along his successful trajectory.
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The Logic of the Black Swan
Nassim Taleb describes a highly unpredictable and impactful event as a black swan and explains how events like this are the basis for everything that happens in the world. In addition, it also presents tools that allow us to better deal with black swans and how to take advantage of them.

Mentioned by Jeff Bezos as a book with both a successful and counterintuitive approach, Rework presents a far less conventional way of building a successful business.

Books recommended by

Melanie Perkins
Cisne Negro.JPG
The Logic of the Black Swan
Nassim Taleb describes a highly unpredictable and impactful event as a black swan and explains how events like this are the basis for everything that happens in the world. In addition, it also presents tools that allow us to better deal with black swans and how to take advantage of them.
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Mentioned by Jeff Bezos as a book with both a successful and counterintuitive approach, Rework presents a far less conventional way of building a successful business.

Elon Musk

Books recommended by

Feitas para Vencer.JPG
Built to Last
Known as Jeff Bezos's business book, Built to Last shows the findings of 6 years of research on the key characteristics that make companies last. Jim Colins and Jerry P. looked at 18 exceptional companies with an average age of 100 and outperforming the stock market by a factor of 15 since 1926.
O Dilema da Inovação.JPG
The Innovation Dilemma
Innovation Dilemma is one of the most influential business books in the world. Clayton M. shows how even companies that do everything right can lose market leadership and explains how most companies do not keep up with new waves of innovation.
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Sam Walton: Made in America
Sam Walton is founder of Walmart, the world's largest retail chain. In the book, he tells his own story, exposing his own perspective along his successful trajectory.
Cisne Negro.JPG
The Logic of the Black Swan
Nassim Taleb describes a highly unpredictable and impactful event as a black swan and explains how events like this are the basis for everything that happens in the world. In addition, it also presents tools that allow us to better deal with black swans and how to take advantage of them.

Mentioned by Jeff Bezos as a book with both a successful and counterintuitive approach, Rework presents a far less conventional way of building a successful business.

Cristina Junqueira

Books recommended by

Feitas para Vencer.JPG
Built to Last
Known as Jeff Bezos's business book, Built to Last shows the findings of 6 years of research on the key characteristics that make companies last. Jim Colins and Jerry P. looked at 18 exceptional companies with an average age of 100 and outperforming the stock market by a factor of 15 since 1926.
O Dilema da Inovação.JPG
The Innovation Dilemma
Innovation Dilemma is one of the most influential business books in the world. Clayton M. shows how even companies that do everything right can lose market leadership and explains how most companies do not keep up with new waves of innovation.
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Sam Walton: Made in America
Sam Walton is founder of Walmart, the world's largest retail chain. In the book, he tells his own story, exposing his own perspective along his successful trajectory.
Cisne Negro.JPG
The Logic of the Black Swan
Nassim Taleb describes a highly unpredictable and impactful event as a black swan and explains how events like this are the basis for everything that happens in the world. In addition, it also presents tools that allow us to better deal with black swans and how to take advantage of them.

Mentioned by Jeff Bezos as a book with both a successful and counterintuitive approach, Rework presents a far less conventional way of building a successful business.

Flávio Augusto

Books written by

Feitas para Vencer.JPG
Built to Last
Known as Jeff Bezos's business book, Built to Last shows the findings of 6 years of research on the key characteristics that make companies last. Jim Colins and Jerry P. looked at 18 exceptional companies with an average age of 100 and outperforming the stock market by a factor of 15 since 1926.
O Dilema da Inovação.JPG
The Innovation Dilemma
Innovation Dilemma is one of the most influential business books in the world. Clayton M. shows how even companies that do everything right can lose market leadership and explains how most companies do not keep up with new waves of innovation.
Sam Walton.JPG
Sam Walton: Made in America
Sam Walton is founder of Walmart, the world's largest retail chain. In the book, he tells his own story, exposing his own perspective along his successful trajectory.
Cisne Negro.JPG
The Logic of the Black Swan
Nassim Taleb describes a highly unpredictable and impactful event as a black swan and explains how events like this are the basis for everything that happens in the world. In addition, it also presents tools that allow us to better deal with black swans and how to take advantage of them.
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